Protection Dog – DJ


Age:5 years 6 months


Vet Checked:
Elbow X-Ray:
Hip X-Ray:


Pedigree Papers:
Kennel Club / FCI:
Micro Chipped:
Pet Passport:

DJ is a compact Malinois female, imported by us from Holland and soon to complete her extensive A1K9 training to become an executive level family protection dog. To look at DJ, one might struggle to believe that under that cute, compact, exterior lurks a very capable protection dog, who probably packs as much of a punch as some of the larger males that we have, certainly ringing true the saying of not judging a book by it’s cover.

DJ is very affectionate, fun loving and always eager to please no matter what you are doing, as long as she is spending time with her humans, she is happy. Her obedience is crisp whether out training, or just on a walk and she is always happy to have a game of ball or 3. DJ will fit into a family home with ease and will no doubt become the children’s best friend and playmate, especially if they are of an age where they can play ball with her.

DJ will make a great pet, companion and will certainly keep her family and future home safe from unwanted visitors.