Trained Family Protection Dog – Onyx


Breed:German Shepherd
Age:9 years 4 months
Origin:Import (Czech Republic)


Vet Checked:
Elbow X-Ray:
Hip X-Ray:


Pedigree Papers:
Kennel Club / FCI:
Micro Chipped:
Pet Passport:

Information about Family Protection Dog Onyx

Onyx is an athletically built medium sized working line GSD who has excelled at both his obedience and protection training since joining us at A1K9; which is hardly surprising as he hails from the top Czech working lines.

Onyx quickly earned the nickname ‘Mr Happy Dog’ and boy does that name suit him as whatever he is doing or asked to do, he does it with a wag of the tail!

Onyx has a super temperament and is happy in all aspects of life and not phased by anything, taking the good the bad and the indifferent all in his stride, He will make a magnificent family pet, being happy to spend time with adults and children alike, as long as he gets his share of fuss and attention and the odd belly rub, Onyx is very content. He is also Mr affable when it comes to socialising with other dogs, big or small, Onyx loves them all.

One should not take kindness for weakness though especially where Onyx is concerned as being one of our executive level family protection dogs means that he is when required, a serious no nonsense protector.

Should you ever be confronted by an assailant either at home or when out and about, Onyx will certainly not let you down and will swiftly rise to the occasion and convincingly deal with the threat – A1K9 style.

Impeccably bred, well trained and socialised, Onyx is extremely obedient so you really can take him anywhere, as long as you don’t mind everyone asking if they can pet him as when out Onyx seems to conjure up celebrity status.

A superb and faultless A1K9 that would unquestionably fit into family life and thrive even in the busiest of households, Onyx is without doubt an outstanding pet and highly trained protector, totally devoted to loving his family and keeping them safe. He is one of CW’s favourites!! Now living in Dubai with HRH Latifa bint Rashed Al Maktoum.